The occasional absence is understandable, but also realizes the importance of continuity in maintaining the athletes skill level, strength and attitude to training.
Contact before scheduled class times is advisable if a athlete will be missing classes. This enables the class to continue on time without having to wait for any absent athlete to arrive.
If a child needs to be picked up early, please notify the coaching staff prior to the beginning of training so appropriate workout alterations may be made.
Athletes are preferred to attend all training sessions as a missed class still requires payment unless a valid reason is provided.( refer to cancellations/hold on payments policy.
The coaching staffs also understand that there can be many different commitments that conflict with practice times (school work/events, family events, vacations and sickness).
Advancement to the next level is determined by the coaching staff using the following criteria:
1) Skill level
2) Attitude
3) assessments
4) Athletes desire, and
5) Athletes work ethics.
An opportunity exists for parents to discuss their child’s progress with their coach. It is advisable for parents to approach coaches before and after classes unless prior arrangements have been made.
All term fees will be direct debited each week unless however an invoice for the term can be arranged if requested. All fees are to be paid in full within 14 days of the invoice.
Non payment of class fees will result in a message to the customer followed by a hold on a students enrolment in the program after repeated bills not being paid.
There will be no refunds in fees for missed classes unless specified in the Cancellations Policy.
In the case where the program provider cancels a class a refund/or credit for the class will be taken off the following fees.
Any athlete ceasing training during the term must notify in writing two weeks prior to the last class.
Party and group bookings require a $50 deposit when booking and the rest can be paid on the day via eftpos or cash.
Payments (Invoices)
all invoices must be paid within 2 weeks of the session (final session if multiple)
Cancellations/Hold on payments
Conditions for a refund/A hold on direct debits include, but are not limited to.
-an illness where we have been notified 2 hours before class and a medical certificate is provided
-injury that prevents participation
-Notification of minimum 2 weeks of holiday/absence
Cancellations of membership/ leaving a class:
-Require at least two weeks notice
(Please note you will be charged up until the date of cancellation/final class)
The best environment for learning is a disciplined one. Discipline in this context means that the students follow the rules. The coaching staff will discuss appropriate behaviour in the gym. If a discipline problem occurs the procedure is as follows:
First, the coach who noticed the problem will discuss the problem with the athlete, and the athlete may be asked to sit out for a period of time.
Second, the parents will be made aware of the situation.
Finally, if discipline problems persist, a conference with the athlete, the parent, the coach is held. A solution suitable for all should be reached.
If the athlete is continually creating an unsafe environment the athlete may be suspended/removed from the program or class.
South West Movement Academy aims to minimise the risk of injury to our participants by:
* Only employing Experienced coaches.
* Updating our coaches on current practices.
* Tracking records of accidents, thus reducing possible risks.
If an accident occurs, our coaches will:
* Ensure all other athletes are safe.
* Assess the injury and take appropriate action
* Treat the injury if possible, or call for assistance. If the injury is serious, an ambulance will be called
* Immediately inform parents of what has occurred and what action has been taken.
*Fill in an accident report form.
South West Movement Academy are of the opinion that a non-smoking environment is desirable for the general health of employees and the public who uses the facilities.
South West Movement Academy has resolved to adopt a policy to provide smoke free environment.
Under such a policy the following are generally prohibited:
Sale of cigarette products
Advertising cigarette products
In adopting such a policy, South West Movement Academy recognizes that smoking is a major contributing factor to serious illness in the Community. South West Movement Academy also recognizes that ‘passive smoking’ the inhalation of tobacco smoke by non-smokers is a similar risk.
South West Movement Academy are of the opinion that an Alcohol Free environment is desirable for the general health of employees and the public who uses the facilities.
No alcohol will be consumed within South West Movement Academy venues whilst the program is taking place (or operational).
Under such a policy the following are generally prohibited:
Sale of Alcohol products
Advertising Alcohol products
This Policy covers all South West Movement Academy personnel over the age of 18 who work directly with children.
This Policy applies to protect children participating in the programs. It also ensures South West Movement Academy is safe and can be trusted to take care of children and is committed to implementing and maintaining the Working with Children’s Legislation.
South West Movement Academy are committed to providing the highest level of membership service. This includes protecting members, promotion of positive behaviours, and attitudes in protecting the health safety and wellbeing of members.
This Policy applies to:-
1. All coaching staff and support staff who have direct contact with athletes.
Working with Children POLICIES
South West Movement Academy will implement Working With Children checks for all relevant staff and comply with the legislation.
South West Movement Academy is committed to the safety of all athletes within its Classes.
The behaviour of athletes and the following of all safety rules are a vital component to the safety of all involved within the program.
Breaches and consequences of these rules are outlined in the Discipline Policy